Human Rights Series

Human Rights Series

These publications are available for free download

  • War on terrorism and respect for Human Rights

    Melik Özden

    2007 – 56 pages

    Since the beginning of this new millennium, terms such as terrorist, terrorism, fight against terrorism, etc. are part of everyone’s daily life even if nobody knows exactly what is hidden behind such terms, or whether they are used adequately or not …

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  • The right to housing

    Melik Özden et Christophe Golay

    2007 – 64 pages

    The right to adequate housing is a universal right, recognized at the international level and in more than one hundred national constitutions throughout the world. It is a right recognized as valid for every individual person …

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  • The right to development

    Melik Özden

    2007 – 40 pages

    The last decade has been marked by an unprecedented increase in inequal­ities and a spectacular growth of the gap between “developed” countries and those of the Third World as well as the growth of a gap within countries themselves …

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  • Internally displaced persons

    Melik Özden

    2007 – 48 pages

    Although forbidden by international humanitarian law and defined by the Statute of Rome (the International Criminal Court) as a “crime against hu­manity” (art 7.2.d), forced displacements are still largely practiced in our time during armed conflict and in various …

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  • The right to health

    Melik Özden

    2006 – 68 pages

    At first glance, it might seem misplaced to speak of health as a right when ever increasing segments of the world’s population are witnessing a steady degradation in the state of their health, to the point where their very existence is threatened …

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  • The case for a protocoll to the ICESCR !

    Melik Özden et François Ndagijimana

    2006 – 40 pages

    In paragraph 3 of the common preamble to the two International Conventions of Human Rights – the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights – the states parties acknowledge …

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  • Transnational corporations and human rights

    Melik Özden

    2006 – 74 pages

    Transnational corporations (TNCs) continue to reinforce their hold on the natural resources of the planet, dictating their agendas to the weakest countries and exploiting their peoples. Directly or indirectly, they bear an enormous responsibility for the deterioration of the environment and for the systematic increase of human rights violations .

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  • The right to food

    Melik Özden et Christophe Golay

    2005 – 55 pages

    The right to food is a human right. It is universal, acknowledged at the national, regional and international level, and applies to every person and group of persons. Currently, however, some 852 million persons throughout the world are seriously –and permanently– …

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