Access to justice for victims of TNCs

CETIM defends victims of human rights violations in the Global South. It supports their representatives in gaining access to and obtaining the intervention of the United Nations protection mechanisms, where required.

Several mechanisms can be activated at the United Nations to get concrete improvements on the ground, in particular the Human Rights Council, the United Nations Special Rapporteurs and the committees that monitor the implementation of the human rights treaties.

CETIM mainly works with peasant organizations, trade unions and organizations representing victims or communities affected by transnational corporations operations.

UN: Chile’s privatised water model once again called into question

PRESS RELEASE Geneva, October 3, 2023 – Chile has a unique water model in the world, based on the privatisation of water sources and management, which was inherited from the military dictatorship (1973-1990), was deepened during the transition to democracy and is still in place today. In other words, the industrial sector (active in agri-export, […]

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Human and environmental rights: violations by Total in Uganda

PRESS RELEASE Geneva, March 24, 2022 – For more than three years, the activities of the French multinational firm Total in Uganda have prevented hundreds of thousands of people from cultivating their land, denying the rights of the communities to work, food, dignity, and life. The origin of the problem lies in the implantation of […]

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Human and environmental rights: violations by Total in Uganda

HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 49th session March 2022 [Excerpt from the declaration] For more than three years, the activities of the French multinational firm Total in Uganda have prevented hundreds of thousands of people from cultivating their land, denying the rights of the communities to work, food, dignity, and life. Read the CETIM’s oral statement

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Complaint to the UN on violations of the right to water in Chile

CETIM and the Movement for the Defense of Water, Land, and Environmental Protection (MODATIMA) denounced violations of the right to water in the Petorca region of Chile. The right to water and sanitation is a human right. Indeed, water is essential to human life not only for daily consumption and hygiene but also for food […]

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Brazil: Environmental crimes and corporate impunity

HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 45th session September 2020 In a previous statement during this session of the Human Rights Council, the Special Rapporteur on toxic waste, Mr. Tuncak, made clear recommendations, based on the manifest deficiency of national regulation on transnational corporates in Brazil, calling for independent investigations into abuses of power by these entities.

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