Report of the independent expert on debt


25th session
Mars 2014

[Exerpt of the declaration]

It is now recognized that the debt is a heavy burden and that it has a major impact on almost all aspects of the people’s lives of the concerned countries.
Worse, it constitutes a tool of domination that deprives the people of the indebted countries of their right to self-determination. Indeed, through the structural adjustment Plans, not only measures such as the reduction of expenditures in area public services (education, health, housing, transport, etc.) are imposed but also the removal of the price control, the trade control measures reduction and the exchange control, privatizations, etc. This goes back to the reduction to almost nothing of the regulatory role of the State in the economy. In other words, denying this reality is denying the right of peoples to participate in the decision making concerning them.

Read the CETIM’s oral declaration

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