Mercenaries, mercenarism and human rights


21st session
September 2012

[Excerpt from the declaration]

One of the main reasons for the existence of a State is to guarantee the security of its citizens and anyone residing on its territories. This of course means physical security, but also social security. The proliferation over the past two decades of private military and security companies (PMSCs), which are used by both States and non-State entities (transnational corporations and armed opposition groups) in mercenary activities, has changed the situation and poses numerous problems, such as serious and massive human rights violations. States no longer have a monopoly on the legitimate use of force and most of them, through lack of political will or lack of resources, do not control the actions of PMSCs. However, leaving the field of security to private entities would be extremely dangerous and would lead to the end of the rule of law.

Read the CETIM’s oral statement in French

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