Food: a central issue for sustainable development


ECOSOC High-level Segment
Agenda item 5

The economic and social policies that have been imposed for several decades in the context of the neoliberal globalisation have led to an increase in poverty and the exacerbation of inequalities.

In rural areas, this situation is particularly worrying and the global food crisis is getting worse every year.

These results are a direct consequence of the way the current food systems work, which have been constructed according to the interests of the large transnational agri-food companies.

The UN Summit on Food Systems, scheduled for autumn 2021, could and should be an opportunity to strengthen our food systems and make them egalitarian and democratic.

In the framework of the ECOSOC High Level Political Forum, CETIM submitted a written statement to express its concerns about the way this Summit is being organised, while denouncing the stranglehold of transnational corporations on it.

Read the CETIM’s written statement

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