On the occasion of the 10th session of the UN Human Rights Council open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations (TNCs) and other business enterprises with respect to human rights (OEIGWG), the Global Campaign and ESCR-NET organized a side-event, taking advantage of the presence of representatives from social movements and communities directly affected by corporate activities.
Drawing on the concrete testimonies of the struggles on the ground, the event linked the grassroots political work, based on the resistance and struggle of the people and communities, to the key technical and legal aspects of the LBI such as prevention, access to justice, liability and extraterritorial jurisdiction. For the Global Campaign indeed, the legal and technical work thrived in the multilateral spaces is always linked and build open the political struggles; this is the only way to ensure the legitimacy of these processes.
The side event concludes with some legal and forward-looking considerations of a Legal Expert of the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group.
Watch the video of the side-event here
In the website of Justice5Continents you will find all the videos of the events organized by the Global Campaign along the last 10 years of the UN Working Group that has been negotiating the Binding Treaty.