Environmental justice

Oil exploitation, logging, drilling, toxic waste. The irresponsibility of multinationals is devastating the planet and its inhabitants.

For more than 50 years, CETIM has denounced the destruction of our environment. It supports the struggles of indigenous peoples and peasants to (re)assert their sovereignty over

    • their living environments
    • their natural resources
    • their way of life and to face
    • and to confront the stranglehold of transnational corporations with the agreement of the States.


Toxic wastes

Other documents and links

Interactive dialogue the Special Raporteur on Climate Change

HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 50th session July 2022 [Excerpt from the declaration] FIAN International, CETIM and La Via Campesina have addressed the Special Rapporteur on Climate Change to highlight the essential role that farmers and others working in rural areas play in feeding the world in a way that is less damaging to the climate than […]

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Human and environmental rights: violations by Total in Uganda

PRESS RELEASE Geneva, March 24, 2022 – For more than three years, the activities of the French multinational firm Total in Uganda have prevented hundreds of thousands of people from cultivating their land, denying the rights of the communities to work, food, dignity, and life. The origin of the problem lies in the implantation of […]

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Human and environmental rights: violations by Total in Uganda

HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 49th session March 2022 [Excerpt from the declaration] For more than three years, the activities of the French multinational firm Total in Uganda have prevented hundreds of thousands of people from cultivating their land, denying the rights of the communities to work, food, dignity, and life. Read the CETIM’s oral statement

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Webinar: International arbitration and corporate impunity: lessons from the cases Chevron and RWE

International arbitration and corporate impunity: lessons from the cases Chevron and RWE Friday, 21st May 2021, 4 pm – 5:30 pm Amsterdam, 9 am to 10:30 am Quito Webinar: to join please register at this link: https://tinyurl.com/iaci-chev-rwe (Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, Spanish and German) Convened by: Global Campaignto Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle […]

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