UN Binding Treaty on TNCs and Human Rights: A New Diversionary Attempt Threatens the Process


UN Binding Treaty on TNCs and Human Rights

Affected Communities and Social Movements Urge to Get Negotiations Back on Track in the Face of a New Diversionary Threat to the Process

In the run-up to the 8th session of the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with Respect to Human Rights (October 24-28, 2022), the Global Campaign expresses its disappointed and concerns with the patent and inexplicable step backwards by the Chair of the Working Group (Ecuador) with respect to the work methodology and the contents of the 8th session.

The new move by the Chair totally disregards the methodology agreed by the Working Group at the 7th session and the work carried out over the years by social movements, civil society organizations, trade unions, people and communities affected by the TNCs, as well as many States participating in the negotiations. With this, the Chair definitively departs from the mandate of Resolution 26/9 and from the objective of creating a global normative framework capable of eliminating corporate social and environmental dumping strategies, ending the impunity of TNCs and ensuring access to justice for those affected by human rights violations and environmental damage committed by TNCs and entities in their global value chains.

In this declaration, the Global Campaign called on all States to mobilize, reject this unfortunate and ill-advised maneuver, and reverse this turn of events. We also asked that they demand respect for the democratic nature of the process and the agreements reached thus far.

Read the full statement

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