Greece: austerity and imposed debt

Since May 2010, Greece has been subjected to painful structural adjustment measures by its creditors. The economic and social effects are tragic. A Greek Debt Truth Commission has been created in April 2015 by the Greek Parliament. The preliminary report’s conclusions are clear: the debt and the austerity measures imposed on Greece violate human rights and international law, the debt claimed from Greece in 2015 is totally unsustainable, and much of it is illegal, illegitimate and odious and should be repudiated.

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The legally binding international instrument must focus on transnational corporations (TNCs)

INTERGOVERNMENTAL WORKING GROUP ON TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS 1st session March 2015 [Extract from the declaration] With the globalisation of the economy, transnational corporations (TNCs) have become major, powerful and inescapable actors, and their activities are the source of multiple human rights violations. Today, a few hundred TNCs control most of the world’s production and marketing of […]

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8 Proposals for the New Legally Binding International Instrument on Transnational Corporations (TNCs) and Human Rights

This submission contains eight proposals related to the nature, the scope, the form and the content of the future legally binding international instrument. It is submitted on behalf of the Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity, an international network comprising over 200 social movements, networks, organizations, and representatives of victims and affected communities from all around the world.

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Chevron’s activities impair freedom of expression of victims, academics, students and activists

In 26 years of oil drilling in the Amazon region of Ecuador, Chevron (formerly Texaco) polluted more than 450,000 hectares of one of the planet’s richest biodiversity regions, destroying the living and subsistence of its inhabitants. After 21 years of litigation, and despite a ruling by the Ecuadorian courts, impunity continues for Chevron, and the victims of its activities in Ecuador are still waiting for justice and compensation. For its part, Chevron denied liability and has devoted enormous efforts and resources to get the judgement set aside, persecute the victims and silence their defenders.

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The human rights situation in Colombia

HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 28th session March 2015 [Extract from the statement] CETIM and OIDHACO welcome the presentation of the High Commissioner’s report and underline the importance of his Office in Colombia with the mandate it has today. We share the concern about the legislative reforms that – as the report underlines – “seek to extend […]

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Vulture Funds and Their Impact on Human Rights

ADVISORY COMMITTEE 14th session 23-27 February 2015 [Excerpt of the declaration] The phenomenon of vulture funds is inseparable from the debt of States and affects most countries. The CETIM and the CADTM therefore welcome the mandate that the Human Rights Council has given to the Advisory Committee on the impact of vulture funds’ activities on […]

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Binding Norms for Transnational Corporations

Thank you Mr. Ambassador. The CETIM is an organization based in Geneva that was created fourty years ago to promote a more equitable international system and fairer North-South relations. Since its creation, it is actively engaged in the promotion of human rights, in particular economic, social and cultural rights, and the right to development. It […]

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Rights of peasants: the work must continue!

HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 26th session June 2014 [Excerpt from the statement] Famine and malnutrition continue to affect nearly a billion people in the world, 80% of whom live in rural areas and most of whom are food producers such as small family farmers. The latter are confronted, without any protection, not only with the rules […]

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