Coup d’état in Bolivia


For the Return of Peace and Democracy, we reject the evolving coup to and the Violence in Bolivia

The defense of democracy, peace, sovereignty and self-determination of Bolivia, based on the rights of its peoples and without any external interference, does not admit delay.  We repudiate the civil-military coup in Bolivia and we call on the international community to do the same and ensure the urgent re-establishment of the rule of law in that country and the holding of free and transparent elections.

The CETIM and the members of the Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity (Global Campaign), which brings together more than 200 organizations and social movements from five continents, emphatically repudiates the wave of violence incited by the religious and racist right, as well as the role of the Bolivian Armed Forces and Police, that has led to the current democratic crisis, forced the resignation of President Evo Morales and his exile in Mexico, in what is configured as an evolving coup d’état.

We manifest our position clearly because the defense of democracy, popular sovereignty, peace and human rights are principles that unite us all over the world.

We demand unrestricted respect for the human rights of all Bolivians. We are deeply concerned about the violence that has been unleashed against the civilian population, members of social movements, journalists and representatives of the Morales government, their families, and leaders and militants of the Movement Toward Socialism, among others. These situations constitute flagrant violations of human rights.

We express our deep concern about the fact that several national and foreign actors, in particular through [the action of] the civic entrepreneurial committees and the national oligarchy, have put in place a destabilization plan in Bolivia. This along with the continuing violation of human rights even after the resignation of Evo Morales, creates a power vacuum, which prepares the conditions for the appropriation of the Bolivian State.

As members of the Global Campaign, we fight every day together with people mobilized worldwide to demand their rights and justice before the actions of corporate power. The suppression of the rule of law produced by a coup of this nature undermines all fundamental rights, beginning with the most basic, the right to life.

We stand in solidarity with the Bolivian people during these times of pain even as we acknowledge the complexities of the current situation and the challenges to be faced.

The CETIM and the Global Campaign

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