Conference “UN Human Rights Mechanisms and Peru”


Conference “UN Human Rights Mechanisms and the Situation in Peru”

French/Spanish interpretation

Dr. Guido Croxatto, Lawyer and human rights expert in Latin America
Dra. Milena Costas, Member of the UN Human Rights Committee
Prof. Helena Tigroudja, Member of the Advisory Committee of the UN Human Rights Council

Dr. Christophe Golay, Research Fellow at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights

Since 7 December 2022, Peru has experienced the removal from office of President Pedro Castillo – a teacher and peasant leader from the rural region of Cajamarca – who was elected by the majority of the Peruvian people of peasant and indigenous origin. Huge popular mobilisations expressing discontent at the national level, demanding justice for the victims and political prisoners, demanding a return to democracy and calling for a new Constituent were violently repressed by the de facto government. For more than five months, these mobilisations have continued to grow, and human rights violations have been denounced at the UN.

In this context, several UN human rights mechanisms have been seized. On 5 April 2023, the UN Human Rights Committee presented its conclusions and recommendations following its review of Peru’s report on civil and political rights.
This conference is an opportunity to discuss these conclusions and recommendations and their implementation at the national level.
Tuesday 9 May 2023, 18:30 at Villa Moynier (Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights), rue de Lausanne 120 B, Geneva

Transmission via FBlive: Red Wiphalas/Wiphalas Network
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Categories Articles Calendar HUMAN RIGHTS People's struggle Peru