CETIM’s statements at the UN


In March 2020, before the Covid-19 crisis, the CETIM issued statements during the 43rd session of the Human Rights Council. Here are a few extracts:

Austerity measures and human rights violations in Ecuador

From December 2017 to June 2019, poverty in Ecuador affected 25.5% of the national population. Extreme poverty reached 9.5%. The above figures are linked to economic-social measures taken by the Government of Ecuador.

Read the full statement

Revised draft for a legally binding instrument for TNCs

The revised draft for a legally binding instrument does not effectively tackle the basic challenges of globalisation and provide the necessary monitoring for TNC activities which violate human rights. Among these problems, we can cite broadening the scope to any type of business. Such an extension would only water down or even undermine the initial goal of the process by allowing the natural and legal persons who control TNC value chains to escape justice.

Read the full statement in French

Right to adequate housing

Forced evictions and security of tenure in both urban and rural areas are still among the main hurdles to providing the right to housing.

In rural areas, the right to housing cannot be isolated from the right to land. This is an essential issue for peasants both to be able to live in dignity with their families and to be able to produce food.

Read the full statement in French

Serious human rights violations in Chile

In October 2019, a massive protest movement began in Chile against a savage neoliberal model that widens social inequalities and disregards the democratic collective processes. 

The CETIM intervened during the 43rd session of the Human Rights Council to denounce the serious and systematic human rights’ violations, urging the Chilean government to put an end to the repression and calling on the Human Rights Council to activate its appropriate mechanisms and procedures.

Read the full statement in Spanish

Repression and persecution in Bolivia following the October 2019 elections

In October 2019, presidential elections were held in Bolivia to choose the country’s new president for the period 2020-2025. These elections resulted in a constitutional breakdown and the seizure of power by an interim government led by the self-proclaimed Jeanine Añez, supported by the armed forces. The break-up has led to a situation of high levels of violence, repression and human rights violations; the massacres that have taken place remain unpunished to this day.

Read the full statement in Spanish

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