The CETIM’s human rights series and critical reports



Human rights series

The latest addition to the CETIM’s human rights series is entitled “Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A legal tool in the fight for social justice“. This book is an update of the series of publications on economic, social and cultural rights and the right to development, the aim of which is to contribute to the information and training of all those fighting for the respect and implementation of these rights. Conceived as a guide, these publications analyse the scope and content of international legal texts (conventions, treaties, declarations, etc.) as well as the practice and obligations of States. They also present the existing mechanisms of recourse (at national, regional and international levels) and give concrete examples of case law.

Download the PDF version of the booklet free of charge “Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A legal tool in the fight for social justice”

Download Human rights publications free of charge


Critical notebooks

This serie of critical notebooks deals with the issues at stake in the debates within the UN human rights bodies with the aim of contributing to the information and training of all those who fight for the respect and implementation of their fundamental rights.

This serie also aims to provide them with a better knowledge of the texts (conventions, treaties, declarations, etc.) and official mechanisms that exist for all those who are fighting and mobilizing to finally implement them.

To download free of charge here


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