Madrid-Geneva: 1600 km by bike to claim public health for all


At the end of July 2024, four activists from the Asemblea popular de Carabanchel left the working-class district of Carabanchel (Madrid) to claim public health systems, and in particular to demand that the number of doctors and paediatricians working in the district, as required by Spanish law, be respected.

This battle against the inertia of the region’s health authorities began in 2020. Over the past 4 years, numerous mass demonstrations, rallies and actions have been organised every Thursday to denounce the deteriorating health conditions. For more than 25 years, health care has been cut back and privatised by the Madrid government. To date, more than a million people are on waiting lists for health care in Madrid alone. Those who can afford it take out private insurance, while those who can’t wait months for treatment in public health centres, where there are fewer and fewer (if any) practising health professionals.

Watch them arrive at the Place des Nations

Listen to them explain the situation (video with English subtitles)


They gave a press conference on their return to Madrid. Click here to watch


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