Environmental justice

Oil exploitation, logging, drilling, toxic waste. The irresponsibility of multinationals is devastating the planet and its inhabitants.

For more than 50 years, CETIM has denounced the destruction of our environment. It supports the struggles of indigenous peoples and peasants to (re)assert their sovereignty over

    • their living environments
    • their natural resources
    • their way of life and to face
    • and to confront the stranglehold of transnational corporations with the agreement of the States.


Toxic wastes

Other documents and links

Murder of Berta Cáceres

HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 31st session March 2016 [Extract from the statement] There are many cases of planned and targeted assassinations of human rights defenders, whether by public officials or private actors. This is what happened on 3 March 2016 to Berta Cáceres, an indigenous leader and defender of the rights of indigenous peoples and the […]

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Chevron’s activities impair freedom of expression of victims, academics, students and activists

In 26 years of oil drilling in the Amazon region of Ecuador, Chevron (formerly Texaco) polluted more than 450,000 hectares of one of the planet’s richest biodiversity regions, destroying the living and subsistence of its inhabitants. After 21 years of litigation, and despite a ruling by the Ecuadorian courts, impunity continues for Chevron, and the victims of its activities in Ecuador are still waiting for justice and compensation. For its part, Chevron denied liability and has devoted enormous efforts and resources to get the judgement set aside, persecute the victims and silence their defenders.

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Human rights and climate change

HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 28th session March 2015 [Exerpt from the declaration] For the CETIM with which the Coordination Climate and Social Justice and the Forum for a new global governance are associated, there is an indissoluble link between the dramatic consequences of climate change and the human rights that are defended in this forum. Global […]

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Philippines: gold mining and human rights violations

The Tampakan Copper-Gold Project in the Philippines threatens the environment and the livelihoods of local populations. The Bla’an indigenous peoples that occupy these ancestral territories oppose the project and are victims of multiple violations of human rights. But Glencore-Xstrata is still insisting on pursiung the project.

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