Relocation of clinical trials to poor countries


Multinational pharmaceutical companies are relocating an increasing share of clinical trials of their new drugs on humans to countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

The Responsible Multinationals Initiative, spearheaded by a broad coalition of Swiss NGOs, calls for multinationals to respect human and environmental rights in their foreign operations. What are the human rights and ethical issues at stake?

We look forward to meeting you on Wednesday, 26 February at 6.30 pm in MS160 (Uni Mail) to discuss this issue, which is co-organised by : Amnesty Unige Group, CETIM, Public Eye Geneva Regional Group, Swissaid-Geneva…

Programme of the evening :

18h30 – 18h45 : Welcome & Introduction

18h45 – 19h30 : Screening of the report Tests of medicines: the human being as a subject of study (2018, Servus TV)

19h30 – 20h30 : discussion with

Patrick Durisch, Health Manager, Public Eye

Prof. Dr. Patrick Durisch, Head of the Public Eye

Prof. Dr. A. K. K. K. K. (Switzerland). Samia Hurst, Director of the Institute of Ethics, History and Humanities (IEH2), UNIGE

Dr. Nathalie Strub-Wourgaft, Director of Tropical Diseases, DNDi

An aperitif will be offered from 8.30 p.m.

See the flyer of the evening in French


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