
La Passion du schiste. Capitalisme, démocratie, environnement en Argentine by Grégory Lassalle and Vincent Espagne

The CETIM pays tribute to Vincent Espagne who passed away at the end of October 2019. Vincent Espagne co-wrote the book La passion du schiste. Capitalisme, démocratie, environnement en Argentine, with Grégory Lassalle. Together, they carried out a year-long study in Argentina to analyse how the country made the decision to develop non-traditional hydrocarbons in the Nuequén region in Patagonia. The book gives a panorama of the stakeholders involved, their interests and their course of action, by revealing the balance of power that is poisoning Argentinian democracy.

Grégory Lassalle was in Geneva for the “Filmar en Latina America” film festival at the end of November to present his film, “Eldorado/Une vie meilleure”. A documentary in which he portrays the different people that directly support the oil company located in Neuquén.

You can order the book, La Passion du schiste. Capitalisme, démocratie, environnement en Argentine in French here

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