Demonstration for peasants’ rights


La Vía Campesina, Uniterre, Fian international, CETIM and l’Autre syndicat call to a

Demonstration for Peasants’ rights

Thursday, September 20th 2018, Place des Nations in Geneva, 10 a.m.

Come in large numbers to show your solidarity with the Peasants!

The Neoliberal globalization that has been taking place for several decades has favoured the monopoly of transnational companies on the food chain. Its consequences in many countries, on all continents :

  • Peasants are stripped of their resources (land, seeds, water, housing, etc.)

  • Peasants no longer control the process, tools and the marketing of their products

  • Peasants are put in competition with the sole aim of increasing the margins of the agro-business sector

Peasants are victims of :

  • Multiple discrimination

  • Forced displacement

Moreover, deprived of any resources, Peasants often fill slums or become “illegal” migrants in third countries, forced to sell their labour force in degrading conditions.

Yet, Peasants, with their families :

  • Constitute one third of humanity

  • Produce up to 70 % to 80 % of the world’s food

Consumers, let’s support them for :

  • Food sovereignty

  • Maintaining of the biodiversity and protection of the environment

  • more justice, a world of solidarity and healthy living conditions for all !

In this context, the UN Human Rights Council has conducted intense negotiations over the past decade for the elaboration of a Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other Persons Working in Rural Areas which will be adopted during its 39th session (September 2018).

Come in large numbers to show your solidarity with the peasants!

Because Peasants are the ones who feed the world.

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